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Status Registered PAN No. FIIE201600000048773
Registration No. 255668
Proprietor Rothmans of Pall Mall (Ireland) Limited
Burton Hall Park
Dublin 18
Description of Mark ROTHMANS ORIGINAL
Goods & Services Class: 34
Cigarettes; tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); cigars, cigarillos; lighters; matches; smokers' articles; cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters; pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes; hand held machines for injecting tobacco into paper tubes; electronic cigarettes; liquids for electronic cigarettes; tobacco products for the purpose of being heated; electronic devices and their parts for the purpose of heating cigarettes or tobacco.
Date of Registration 31/05/2016
Date of Publication of Registration 05/04/2017
Priority Date
Registration Renewed
Address for Service TOMKINS & CO.
5 Dartmouth Road
Dublin 6

The application for registration is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Irish Trade Mark Registration No. 85573, 35469 and 70941, EU Trade Mark No. 218412, 218446, 2106862, 4697793 and 11434081.