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Status Registered PAN No. FIIE201600000050729
Registration No. 255689
Proprietor Manhattan Peanuts Limited
McKee Avenue
Dublin 11
Description of Mark Manhattan
Representation of Mark
Goods & Services Class: 29
Nut-based snack foods; snack foods based on nuts; dried nuts; ground nuts; spiced nuts; salted nuts; preserved nuts; edible nuts; roasted nuts; nuts, prepared; flavoured nuts; seasoned nuts; candied nuts; chilli nuts; chocolate-coated nuts; shelled nuts; peanuts; cashew nuts; pistachio nuts; peanut butter; snack food (fruit-based); potato-based snack foods; vegetable-based snack foods; crisps; potato crisps; potato crisps in the form of snack foods.

Class: 30
Wheat-based snack foods; snack food (cereal-based); snack food (rice-based); snack-foods made from corn; popcorn; popcorn seasoning; flavoured popcorn; popped popcorn; caramel popcorn; microwaveable popcorn; processed popcorn; glazed popcorn; candy-coated popcorn; processed unpopped popcorn; toasted corn kernels; rice crisps; wholewheat crisps; crisps made from cereals.

Class: 31
Unprocessed edible seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables; unprocessed nuts; fresh nuts; fresh cashew nuts; fresh pine nuts; fresh pistachio nuts.
Date of Registration 15/08/2016
Date of Publication of Registration 05/04/2017
Priority Date
Registration Renewed
Address for Service TOMKINS & CO.
5 Dartmouth Road
Dublin 6